Substance Use Screen
Screening for mental health is just as important as screening for other physical health issues! Most of us go for a physical checkup once a year, but don't think twice about a mental health checkup. Sometimes symptoms can sneak up on us gradually over time and we don't notice them until they start causing us problems. Other times, symptoms come on rapidly and we are overwhelmed how to handle them. We offer several mental health screens on this website to offer you a quick way to assess how you are doing in several key areas. This is not a substitute for a full mental health assessment nor is it intended to replace mental health or medical care. Only an independently licensed mental health or medical professional can provide a mental health diagnosis and treatment. However, knowledge is power and these screening tools can help you become more aware of potential symptoms and alert you to seek help.
SUBSTANCE USE DISORDER SCREEN: Please review the following statements and see if any are true for you:
I sometimes wonder if I should cut down on my drinking or drug use
I feel annoyed when others criticize or nag me about my alcohol or drug use
I sometimes feel bad or guilty about my drinking or drug use
I have had to drink or use drugs first thing in the morning to avoid getting sick
I'm afraid I'll get sick if I stop drinking or using drugs
I have tried to quit before, but haven't been able to quit for good
My drinking or drug use have caused problems for me
I'm spending more and more time, money, and energy drinking or using drugs
I have lost important things and people in my life due to my drinking or using drugs
I have legal problems or am at risk of legal problems due to my drinking or using drugs
I financial problems or am at risk of having financial problems due to my drinking or using drugs
I am at risk of losing my friends, family, or work due to my drinking or using drugs
I am experiencing blackouts
I have overdosed before
I've had shaking and/or seizures when I have tried to quit before
If any of these statements are true for you and are affecting your ability to fully enjoy life, parent, socialize, work, or go to school, then it may be time to set up a mental health assessment. Please contact us today at East Coast Counseling, LLC. You can set up an intake appointment in less than 5 minutes on our online patient portal. You could also go old school and call for an appointment! Either way, we look forward to helping you feel better.